Looking for a Catholic parish in the province of Québec? Check out the Drouin Institute’s very handy Carte des paroisses catholiques du Québec jusqu’en 1912 (Map of the Catholic parishes of Québec up to 1912).
You can zoom in on a region to get a better look at its parishes. Click on a blue pin to get the name of the parish, and the date of its opening. You can also click on Statistiques (Statistics) to get an obviously very incomplete tabulation of the number of acts per year. I say very incomplete because, for St. Mary’s (Quyon), for example, there are 401 marriages enumerated for the period 1847 to 1914, but only 23 baptisms and 5 burials enumerated for that same time period.
By the way, there are also a few Protestant parishes listed. According to an announcement at their Facebook page, the Institute will be adding more Protestant parishes in the near future.