Census Substitutes

Some (Adult Male) Roman Catholics of Huntley township, 1837

The following petition contains the names of 88 adult male Catholics of Huntley township (Carleton Co., Ontario [Upper Canada]), circa 1837. This is not a complete inventory of RC males, or of RC male heads of household, in Huntley township at that time (among the names that I was expecting/hoping to find, but which do show up here, are Moran, Hogan, and Cahill, for example). It is a list only of those men in and around the Huntley area who signed on to the petition.

While most of the names below were written by the same hand, a few of the men appear to have signed their own names. In transcribing the names, I have not attempted to “correct” the spellings, which vary considerably even for the same name within the same document (which is typical of pre-twentieth century documents, of course). A few of the names I found difficult to make out, in which cases I have given my best guess.
Some of the names (e.g., Mantil/Mantle, certainly; but possibly also Allen, Buckley, Forrest, Gregg, Roach/Roche, and no doubt some others) are names associated with the Peter Robinson Settlers.

Roman Catholics of the township of Huntley, petition, 18371
To His Excellency Sir Francis Bond Head H.C.R. Lieutennant [sic] Governer [sic] of Upper Canada &c &c &c.
The memorial of the Roman Catholics of the Township of Huntley humbly sheweth
That your memorialists having erected a Church hoping to have the attendance of a Priest to afford us the consolations of Religion — Your memorialists finding that our ability will not admit of contributing as largely to the support of a Priest as his station demands
Your memorialists therefore prays that your Excellency in your wisdom will be pleased to grant us Lot number 15, on the 8th concession of this Township, containing 200 acres as a Glebe for the assistance of the congregation in supporting a Priest.
And your memorialists in duty bound will ever pray

>Dennis Galvin

names names names
A. Whelan Thymothy Forrest John Lahey
John Whelan James Forrest William Green
Christopher Whelan Richard Forrest John Green
Peter Carthy Cornelious Forrest John Galvin
Andrew Carthy James White, Sen.
Dennis Carthy Patrick Mahaney John Kennedy
Jas. Whelan Carrol Sulivan John Keefe
Patrick O, Leary William Welsh James Allen
Michael Meehen John Russel Jefrey Donoghue
James Quin Garret Russel Michl. Cronan
Philip Green Thimothy Kenedy John Mahony
Richard Goody James Buckley Joseph Donoghue
William White Dennis Brian John Bresnahan
James White Jr John Bresnahan James Bresnaham
Thomas Bresnahan
Thomas Lahey
names names
Maurice Roach James Manion
Simon McGrath Dannial Maxwell
Micl McGrath Senr Martin Maxwell
Micl McGrath Junr John Maxwell
Michael Roach Owen Kelly
Wilm Fitzpatrick Daniel OLeary
Thos McVeay Samuel OLeary
Arther McVeay James OLeary
Martin Mannion Patt Carroll
William Gregg John Ryan
Michl Gregg James McDonnol
Wm Gregg Junr John Kelley
John Kennedy Darby Kelley
Andrew Manion John Dwire
John Manion Thomas Brown
John Felhey? Garret Brown
Patk Manion Bernd. McGee
Patt Kennedy Peter Whelan
Edmond Ring Ml Cavanagh
James Mantil Wm Cavanagh
Robert Mantil MLT Cavanagh
Please direct the answer to Andrew Whelan & others
Pakenham Post office
District Bathurst

1 Roman Catholics of the township of Huntley petition, 1837, Upper Canada Land Petitions, RG 1, L 3, vol. 239A, bundle H20, petition 118, microfilm C-2096, Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa.

(More on this, and on a related petition of 1840, in a later entry).