Census Substitutes, Forkill, Irish Records, Land Records, Levallymore, Tithe Applotment

Tithe Applotment, Levallymore, Forkill, Armagh

List of landholders in the townland of Levellamore [Levallymore], parish of Forkill, County Armagh, ca. 1828 [1823-1837].

No. of LandholderName of Landholder
1Murphy John
2McGlade Owen
3McCreish Widow & Partners
4McCreish James & Owen
5McKinly James
6Martin Thomas
7McGlade Michael
8Maginnis John
9McParland Patt
10Larkin James
11O'Neil Henry
12Crawley James
13Crawley James
14Feagan Brien & Partners

Transcribed from PRONI Reference FIN/5/A/143, Tithe applotment for the parish of Forkhill, County Armagh.

See more Forkill records.