
Welcome! Thank you for visiting Ottawa Valley Irish: A Family History Blog and Genealogy Database. This is the Family History Blog. You can also visit the Genealogy Database.

Born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, I am a genealogy researcher with a PhD in History from JHU, and a certificate in the History of Family and Genealogical Methods from the University of Limerick.

tommy and bridget
Thomas Edwin Moran and Bridget Mary McDermott, September 1896

All of my known ancestors, both paternal and maternal, both Irish and French Canadian, had deep ties to the Ottawa Valley region of Eastern Ontario and the Outouais, Québec. This website is intended to record and document their family histories; and to share the results of my research with family, friends, and other interested family history researchers.

Ottawa Valley Irish also offers tips and tricks for the pursuit of Irish and Canadian genealogy: how to trace your Irish ancestry through Canadian sources; how to search the census records and census substitutes; how to locate, decipher, translate, and interpret the Catholic parish records.

I welcome your feedback. If you’d like to suggest an addition or a correction; if you have a photo or a document that you’d like to share; if you have any questions or concerns about the information at this site, please email me at mcmoran at gmail dot com, or fill out the contact form below.

M.C. Moran

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