in Canada by 1832
This is not the first time that I’ve found an early recordin the register for Notre Dame Basilica, Montreal for a family who emigrated from Ireland and settled in the Ottawa Valley.
The record reads (with illegible words in brackets, and with my translation in italics):
Le vingt un Septembre mil huit cents trente deux je prêtre soussigné à inhumé Catherine décédée avant hier âgée de dix huits mois fille de George Valely [tisseur?] et de Ann Hanlan de cette paroisse. Temoins Joseph [Boudre?] et Jean Baptiste [Brean?] qui n’ont pu signer. The twenty first of September one thousand eight hundred and thirty two I the undersigned priest buried Catherine who died the day before yesterday aged eighteenth months daughter of George Valely [weaver?] and of Ann Hanlan of this parish. Witnesses were Joseph [Boudre?] and Jean Baptiste [Brean?] who could not sign.
Was Catherine born in Canada or in Ireland? I have not yet found a baptismal record for her (and if she was born in Ireland in 1831, it’s likely I never will). Nor have I found a marriage record for George Vallely and Anne O’Hanlon (who may have been married in Ireland).
In any case, this places George Vallely and Anne O’Hanlon in Canada at least a couple of years earlier than I had previously assumed. By 1835, they can be found in Grenville, Deux Montagnes, Québec, and by 1851 in Bristol township, Pontiac Co., where they farmed at Concession 3, Lot 4.
George Vallillee’s first wife was Ann O’Hanlon. He remarried. First at Calumet Island in 1849. But this marriage was invalid for some reason (as indicated at the bottom of the entry in the parish record).
I found his second marriage in North Onslow records, 1850, to Mary Moyle (Miles) the widow – with four children – of John Bean. George also a large family with his first wife and then they had several children together – by this time the older ones had left home.
Thanks very much for this info. The household of George Vallely and Mary Moyle in the 1851 census now looks a bit different — now that I know that four of the children were the offspring of Mary Moyle and John Bean. Could “Bean” have been “Bain,” I wonder?